
Top 5 Ways to Make Your Event More Sustainable


Grazing board by zero-waste caterer Michelle Lainez

Sustainable Event Tips

Earth Day is our chance to show how much we care about our planet! Unfortunately, many of our events and celebrations contribute excess waste to the landfill.

We are sharing 5 tips to help make your next party more eco-friendly. Find ways to make a positive impact on our environment that’ll leave you feeling inspired to host your next eco-friendly event.

1. Send Digital Invitations

Digital invites may not seem as classy as paper invites. But here are the facts:

  • People often misplace paper invites
  • When the party is done, that invite is likely going in the trash
  • Paper invites also waste emissions as they need transportation to get to the invitee


One perk for digital invites: we’ve experienced that when an invite is personally texted to a guest, you’re more likely to get a response!


2. Use Reusable Plates & Utensils

We hate dishes as much as the next person. But using real plates and utensils saves a ton of waste, and doesn’t have to be that time consuming, especially if you have folks that offer to help you clean up at the end of the event.



What better time to bring out your nice plates and utensils than when hosting company. Instead of using disposable cups or straws, offer reusable glassware and metal straws.  Real plates and utensils also elevate the celebration and give it a classy feel.


If you must go disposable, make sure the items are compostable. 

3. Repurpose Decor (or Borrow from Friends!)

Sometimes you already have what you need! So many times we’ve purchased decor and forget all about it. Take extra time to go through cabinets, shelves, and bins for decor you may already have. 


This is also a great time to borrow from friends and neighbors. Did someone have a Luau last year? Great! See if they still have some of the fun decor that you can borrow. This is a great way to be environmentally friendly and also pay the ultimate compliment to someone whose taste you admire. 

4. Rent Instead of Buy

Renting party decor and supplies is a great way to reduce waste and elevate your party.


There are so many rental companies that have tons of inventory with all the items you need to host a great party.

Instead of buying new items that you might only use once, renting allows you to use high-quality items that are super unique.


Some items to rent include seating, tablecloths, props, dinner ware, and decorations.

Rented plates, glassware, and cutlery for a holiday celebration

5. Don't Overdo it with the Food

I HATE not having enough food at parties. It’s our worst nightmare to not have enough for everyone to eat. This is why its so hard to not over buy when it comes to food. But the reality is, so much food goes to waste at a party!

Plan out food like a caterer. They typically measure out food on a per-person basis. This requires some planning, but can help make sure you don’t over buy. Here are some suggestions from a caterer:

Eggs: 2 large eggs
Bacon or sausage: 2-3 slices or links
Toast or bread: 1-2 slices
Fruit: 1/2 to 1 cup
Yogurt: 1 cup
Oatmeal or cereal: 1/2 to 1 cup

Dips: 2-3 tablespoons per person
Cheese platters: 1-2 ounces per person
Mini sandwiches or sliders: 1-2 pieces per person
Skewers or kabobs: 2-3 pieces per person
Bruschetta or crostini: 2-3 pieces per person

Sandwiches: 1 whole sandwich or 1/2 sandwich per person
Soup: 1 cup per person
Salad: 2 cups per person
Pasta: 1-2 cups per person
Pizza: 2-3 slices per person

Meat or fish: 4-6 ounces per person
Vegetables: 1/2 to 1 cup per person
Starches (potatoes, rice, pasta): 1/2 to 1 cup per person
Salad: 2 cups per person
Bread: 1-2 slices per person

Cake or pie: 1 slice per person
Cookies: 2-3 per person
Ice cream: 1 scoop per person
Fruit: 1/2 to 1 cup per person

1/2 to 1 pound of food per person. This includes all dishes served at the buffet, such as appetizers, entrees, sides, and desserts.

Use elements from nature for your event

Bonus tip: Hire a Zero-Waste Caterer

Some chefs pride themselves in creating zero waste dining experiences. They challenge themselves to support local farmers and artisans, which not only pours money into the local economy, but also reduces emissions from long-haul transportation. 


You can’t go wrong with hiring an expert like Chef Michelle Lainez , a zero-waste chef who can think through all the ways to make your meal (and event) more sustainable. 

In the end, as long as you are more conscientious about not wasting food or decor, you are showing our planet love! 


Let’s all do what we can to help protect the planet as we celebrate all of life’s special occasions.


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