


It’s a new year…Woo-hoo 2020 is here. You pulled out all the stops and decorations for the holidays, the kids were out of school and their schedules are all out of wack. It’s time to get things in order and back on track. Let’s start with putting away those decorations, and while we are at it, we can organize our pantries as well.

When organizing holiday decor, think of taking it on in small pieces and keep a few things in mind:

1. First get rid of the stuff you don’t need.

2. Invest in containers to add some order and it’s a plus they make things look nice and neat.

3. Label them with great penmanship or pick up a label maker.

Photo credit: @azorganizeher

Organizing your space helps organize your life and put you on the right path for 2020.

When investing in containers you may also look at color coding the containers with the decor of the room or the color of items inside of it. It all sounds good, but we know organizing your space can be very time consuming, especially being a mompreneur and all. It may be one of those tasks your can delegate out to a professional. They can zip in, make it all pretty then zip right out.

Photo Credit: @beorganizing a professional organizing service

While you are putting away the holiday items, take the opportunity to organize your pantry as well.

If you have boys like we do, or any little fingers around the house, your pantry packed with all the snacks is a very popular place to visit. That means it is used by multiple people going in an out all the time. When organizing the pantry, it’s great to use clear containers in addition to labels so the contents inside can be easily seen for those little finger grabbers and when it’s running low.

Photo credit: @reallife.realeasy

We have no big New Years resolutions, but we are focusing on several things to keep us on track throughout the year including organizing our life. We are also planning to show and share more gratitude to those who are supportive of our journey that includes you our blog readers and social media followers. Thank you, it is s labor of love. Stay tuned it to see our journey all year long.


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